Scripts to generate company email specific CV/Resume PDF(s).
This is useful for job application email filtering.
will be
The mailto
link for the email will also be updated accordingly.
Creates a PDF by prompted input text in user Desktop
$TextFile = Read-Host -Prompt 'File name'
$TextFile = $TextFile.ToLower().Replace(' ', '')
$Word = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$Word.Visible = $false
$word.DisplayAlerts = "wdAlertsNone"
$Filename = "\path\to\folder\my_resume.docx"
$NewFileName = $Filename.Replace(".docx","")
$Document = $$Filename)
$objSelection = $Document.Selection
"Processing file: {0}" -f $Document.FullName
$DesktopPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
$FindText = "email@"
$MatchCase = $false
$MatchWholeWorld = $true
$MatchWildcards = $false
$MatchSoundsLike = $false
$MatchAllWordForms = $false
$Forward = $false
$Wrap = 1
$Format = $false
$Replace = 1
# Replace email with company name
$ReplaceText = $FindText -Replace "email",$TextFile
$Document.Content.Find.Execute($FindText, $MatchCase, $MatchWholeWorld, $MatchWildcards, $MatchSoundsLike, $MatchAllWordForms, $Forward, $Wrap, $Format, $ReplaceText, $Replace)
# Replace mailto hyperlink
$Document.Hyperlinks | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Address -like "*email@*") {
$NewAddress = $_.Address -Replace "email",$TextFile
$_.Address = $NewAddress
# Copies new email to clipboard
$NewAddress = $NewAddress -Replace "mailto:", "" | Set-Clipboard
# Export as pdf
$Pdf = $DesktopPath + "`\" + $Document.Name.Replace(".docx", "") + "`-$TextFile.pdf"
"Exported document as {0} `r`n" -f $Pdf
# Quit Word without saving
Create multiple PDFs based on text file in .docx file directory.
$Word = New-Object -ComObject word.application
$Word.Visible = $False
$Filename = "\path\to\folder\my_resume.docx"
$NewFileName = $Filename.Replace(".docx","")
$TextFile = "\path\to\folder\sites.txt"
$Document = $$Filename)
$objSelection = $Document.Selection
"Processing file: {0}" -f $Document.FullName
$TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
$FindText = "email@"
$MatchCase = $false
$MatchWholeWorld = $true
$MatchWildcards = $false
$MatchSoundsLike = $false
$MatchAllWordForms = $false
$Forward = $false
$Wrap = 1
$Format = $false
$Replace = 1
foreach ($line in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines($TextFile)) {
$line = $line.ToLower().Replace(' ', '')
$ReplaceText = $FindText -Replace "email",$line
$Document.Content.Find.Execute($FindText, $MatchCase, $MatchWholeWorld, $MatchWildcards, $MatchSoundsLike, $MatchAllWordForms, $Forward, $Wrap, $Format, $ReplaceText, $Replace)
$Document.Hyperlinks | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Address -like "*email@*") {
$NewAddress = $_.Address -Replace "email",$line
$_.Address = $NewAddress
$Pdf = $NewFileName + "`-$line.pdf"
"Saving document {0} as PDF {1}" -f $Document.Fullname,$Pdf
"Completed processing {0} `r`n" -f $Document.Fullname
Example .txt
file content for CreatePDFs.ps1